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which lasted until March 5, 2004.

Moonstarre's Ragefire Battle and Epic Turn-In

Date: March 8, 2003

Pictures | Other's Comments

Well, glad I come on when I did, just in time to help Moonstarre go through her final journey to complete her epic! Congrats and thank to all those that helped!

Following are some pictures that have been sent in:

Moonstarre going after its heart!
Moonstarre going after its heart!
1280x1024: 158 KB
56K D/L Time: 0:23
Ragefire laying on ground, dead.
Ragefire laying on ground, dead.
1280x1024: 157 KB
56K D/L Time: 0:23
Look at those fangs.
Look at those fangs.
1280x1024: 191 KB
56K D/L Time: 0:28
With Moon just before final turn in to Avatar of Water.
With Moon just before final turn in to Avatar of Water.
1280x1024: 202 KB
56K D/L Time: 0:30
Moon holding her new Clicky Stick!
Moon holding her new Clicky Stick!
1280x1024: 209 KB
56K D/L Time: 0:31
Stats of the Water Sprinkler.
Stats of the Water Sprinkler.
1280x1024: 210 KB
56K D/L Time: 0:31

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