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which lasted until March 5, 2004.


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Wednesday, February 16, 2022 5:54:04 PM
Went through Resources and removed some bad links, corrected some, and added a few new ones. Geez, 9 years since my last entry here.
Monday, June 17, 2013 12:18:26 AM
I am slowly going through this site and fixing a bunch of crap such as the plethora of invalid links, ancient/broken coding, and so on. Fun stuff! LOL :)
Tuesday, December 22, 2009 6:07:22 PM
I have moved Mysstie's Custom Everquest Interface to her new combined EQ1/EQ2 website.
Monday, September 11, 2006 1:02:23 PM
I have moved Mysstie's Custom Everquest Interface to her website which I think is a more appropriate place for it.
Tuesday, August 01, 2006 11:14:44 PM
Ahhh.. look what I found laying around my hard-drive, our Daily Snapshots LOL. I've uploaded all of them. Forgot about them when I had limited disk space with a previous host before they increased the space. Enjoy! :)
Monday, July 31, 2006 9:06:03 PM
I've created an archives page here on the website that contains all the old news that was on the Message Board. I will then be removing that forum from the message board. It was full of bad links anyways LOL. Moving all this stuff sure brings back alot of memories. :)
Wednesday, July 26, 2006 2:07:42 AM
Moved website to Surpass Hosting along with the rest of my websites. Much improvement over previous host. Everything should be working fine now. :)
Saturday, October 15, 2005 10:26:43 PM
I've moved my website to a new hosting company which has caused all kinds of things to break again LOL. I am slowly getting everything working again. Please be patient. :)
Tuesday, March 01, 2005 12:10:07 AM
The Library has been rebuilt with all the old content now available. Feel free to stroll down memory lane :). Removed links to the Guild Vault since it's now empty. Much of it went into Healers United's Guild Bank. :)
Friday, February 25, 2005 7:15:13 AM
The EQTypes for the additional buffs slots have been assigned. I have modified both EQUI_BuffWindow.xml and EQUI_ShortDurationBuffWindow.xml in my Buff Window Customization so that the text labels now work. Due to the verticle length of the Window I am contemplating trying out a two column format buff window. Hmmmm.. :) I have also added some more past events back into the Library.

I am killing the Everlore newsfeed. It hasn't seen a new news article since May of 2004.

Wednesday, February 16, 2005 8:20:12 AM
With the release of Dragons of Norrath, the Buff windows were changed to allow for more buffs. As such, I have modified my Buff Window Customization accordingly. I have also gone away from using the EQUI_Animations.xml file since that one tends to get changed more than most and usually is the main cause for the UI blowings chunks after patches LOL. Both the EQUI_BuffWindow.xml and EQUI_ShortDurationBuffWindow.xml have been modified. The EQTypes for these additional buffs have not been assigned yet so the corresponding labels (text) will not work. As soon as they are, I'll make the modifications. My buff window is getting long now LOL. I may also play with the blue background graphics by customization the CS_Buttons.bmp directly which will give similar results as the Animations file modification.
Saturday, February 12, 2005 11:34:19 PM
Well, it seems as if the EQUI_ShortDurationBuffWindow.xml was modified to allow for 5 more buffs. I have modified my Buff Window Customization to include the changes made. I also changed it so that window is sizeable. I also recently found out that my available webspace has been increased from 250 Mb to 5 Gigs! As such, I will be putting up all the old snapshots and events pages. :) I will probably go ahead and change the Library page to only have links to items that exist. Why I didn't do that long ago I have no idea. LOL.

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Please email any questions/comments/suggestions to Mysstie at

The Company of Valor banner was created by MacCleaver, thanks Mac! :)

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